Getting ready for work. Sitting at my gigantical wrap-around desk, with coffee and p-taccky (duMaurier), reading through the news. I enjoy this sort of down-time before I have to go to the office, where there is a Sony policy for everything I do, although on a Saturday hopefully there won't be many people there and I can do my work in peace.

I mean don't get me wrong, Sony is a great company to work for, and I get to play with lots of toys, but holy crap. Try to imagine working in an office where for a lot of the office policies there are other policies that say the opposite. Essentially no matter what you do, you will find yourself in violation of something. The only thing you can do is try to understand how your boss implements these "opposite yet equal" policies in practice. Then when you get a new boss try to fit in with his interpretation of them.

But it's Saturday. I'll go in wearing my plastic jogging pants and a t-shirt. Maybe even a baseball cap (horrors!)

Everyone have a good weekend.