This has been an interesting August. For me, it has gone like this (so far):

Blah blah blah, Grama dies.
Take 4 days off work.

Blah blah blah, computer virus.
Don't come home from work for 3 days.

Blah blah blah (later the same week actually), b-b-b-blackout.
Live the life of a penniless bum from the 19th century for 2 days. Live off couch coins because the bank machines are down and I had no cash. Carry buckets of water up 7 flights of stairs like people in Africa because there is no water in my building. Stink.

The meaning of life is we are here to make babies. That's our primary reason for existing. Once we've accomplished that task, there are very few of us who will achieve anything else that will outlive us. Life is mostly "blah blah blah", with some occasional "then one day". That's why we tend to dwell on these rare moments of horror and excitement, reliving them over and over, in the newspaper and to anyone who will listen to our story of where we were when...

That said, after this month, I'd like some more "blah blah blah"

To make my point: Do you remember what you were doing the morning of September 10th, 2001?