Warren Kinsella is Satan. That's not a personal judgement, it's just something my girlfriend told me. Although I had thought that she was in fact the beelxebubber herself, turns out she is merely a minion.

Kinsella and I share a common background. We were both once punk rockers, and we've both been in punk bands, although mine was never as sucessful as his. But then he's Satan, he has musical powers.

Warren has been using his evil powers to keep the Liberal party in power since 1993. Those of you who voted Liberal, were in fact under his evil spell. But it seems that his evil powers are failing him. On Feb 25 he wrote on his website "It was so tiny, I almost missed it..." In fact, what Warren had just caught on to was the fact that an election is about to be called by Premier Ernie Eves. I'm not really in the loop (any loop) anymore, but I already knew THAT. Look at this website , and scroll down to the green box. There's practically an announcement of a spring election there.

Anyway, Warren is fun to pick on, simply because nobody else does. I'm sure he's a great guy.