I've had several people bugging me about where my blog is, why I haven't said a peep about this election.


There, maybe too disingenuous, but it's more than I care to write about this one.

Sorry guys, if we have an election again in the future that is about more than rearranging seats, I'll be back.

I haven't even been watching the news for the last few months. If I didn't have to pass several news stands every day, I'd be able to forget it was even happening. The last I saw was yesterday's Globe headline about how Harper fashioned his lead. OK, so I assume the Conservatives are in the lead. Since I don't know when this election will be held, and haven't paid attention to polling trends, all I can do is shrug my shoulders and say "neat".

Those who've known my blog in years past know I'm a former Tory (Progressive Conservative), who is unable to support any party led by Harper. Harper is barely a step away from Gilles Duceppe, leader of the Bloc, in his disdain for this country. And since the Liberals have quite obviously broken our trust with their Quebec sponsorship shenanigans, well, I might just put my X beside the Green candidate's name this time.

OK so that was waaay more than I'd planned to write. Good luck to all of the candidates. Except Harper and Martin. Crappy lousy poopy luck to them.