My ex girlfriend has a blog that she started on the day we broke up. I can't tell you where it is because you aren't old enough to visit that website.

It's pretty common practice to slag your exes, and in my opinion maybe I have reason to. But she's not a bad person, things just weren't right. Whatever.

Anyway, I've been reading it for a few months now, and as hard as it is for me to say this about someone who maybe isn't my favourite person in the world anymore, she's a pretty damn good writer, her poetry totally surprised me. You'll have to believe me since I am not going to put up a link.

Today I started a new position in my company. I will basically spend my days responding to e-mails. For the next 2 weeks I will be "training" and after that I'll be working hard to not get fired. Isn't that our prime consideration every day we go to work? We get up in the morning and rush to get to work on time, because if we are late to many times we get that dreaded "sit-down" with our boss. At work, we could sit on our butts and not do anything, but eventually we'd get fired. So we work as hard as we can to get advancement, or as mediocrely (is that a word?) as we have to to keep our job.

We can grease the wheels a bit with some well-placed ass-kissing, sexy or otherwise very nice clothing, some "networking", but in the end someone is still watching. It's like the Santa Claus thing turned into a nightmare. Maybe I've worked for too many big corporations. I should find a nice convenience store position. I'm smiling at the thought.

OK I don't have anything left to say. So I guess it looks like the end of this post.