A few reviews on Andre Bachand's performance in the debate on Sunday, from around the web.

"As for Andre Bachand, he is impressive. He has a good TV personality, cool and confident. It will be interesting to see if he can pull in any support from outside of Quebec."

"I think Monsieur Bachand did quite well....his English has improved, and he certainly brings a certain "joi de vivre" to the campaign.....he brings a worldly, yet not worn, look to the campaign as well....smart dresser too...."

From Torydraft:
"Next up, Andre Bachand. A born natural, he took to the mic with an upbeat attitude and gave the crowd some lighthearted humour before giving us the hard sell. He reminded us of days gone by when the PC Party was one of national coalitions and encouraged us to be open-minded about being the Party that can actually bridge the gap between the Canadian Alliance and the Bloc Quebecois. While that garnered applause what really excited the crowd was his assertion that he would bring both money and people into every riding during the next election and we would win. The rating factor here is 4.5/5 for passion."