here's a reason why for the first time in this election, I am praying for a majority government, a Liberal majority government:

from today's Globe and Mail

Liberal woes fuel Tory-Bloc theories
Lindsay, Ont., Mirabel, Que., Ottawa — The Conservative Party could take office with the help of the Bloc Quebecois even if the Liberals end up with a razor-thin edge in seats in the coming vote, a key Conservative MP says.
House Leader John Reynolds said yesterday that he can see circumstances in which the Bloc and the Conservatives would vote together to defeat the Liberals should the Grits win a small minority.

"If the Liberals win one more seat than us and the Bloc and us defeat the government, it would be obvious what the next step would be," Mr. Reynolds said in an interview yesterday. "It would be irresponsible to hold another election right away."

read the rest of the story

PS, since when is the new party the "Tories"?